So, there's quite a bit going on here; I had some trouble working through this one, I kept wanting to draw some kind of organic mass swarming, viewed from a distance and i wanted to encapsulate an overwhelming feeling.... after a few tries, that wasn't really happening. (will upload sketches...)
But the most successful i think was when i kept it basically non-objective. There ended up being some wing like shapes, but mostly i like the action in the details of the drawing. Really, a scribble has a tendency to swarm, if you know what i mean....
also there are a few layers to give it a bit of depth.
I think this is the one i like best. There's an added collage element, that was an attempt to create a swarming, pulsing, mass, like you see insects and fish make from time to time in nature.
some detail:
Like the 'wings' here, not sure about placement of some of these dark shapes. Still playing with it.